Social media dating.
For whatever reason those who are against it are really against it. Granted not everyone is up for it which is fine but I have found that sometimes people can be ill informed about it.
Online dating is only one part of social media dating. Meeting someone who slid into your DMs either through Twitter, Instagram or even Facebook is all a part of social media dating. Simply put you met someone through the medium of social media who you otherwise would not have met. The jury is still out on whether Whatsapp constitutes as social media but even despite that, you can still meet someone through it especially from the whatsapp stories.
I don't know the exact figures but I do know that now, more than ever many of us spend a significant amount of our time on social media. I'm not here to judge because I do too. What I am saying is that why then does it seem incredulous to suggest that you can meet a partner through social media? Is it any different from meeting a guy at a BBQ or a party you went to? Granted it may be easier as if you've met them somewhere a friend invited you to, it is easier to do due diligence and ask around to see if anyone you know knows them. However the same can be done with social media too and let's face it social media has made the world seem a lot smaller. You only have to go through the mutual friends list to see if a mutual may know the person.
I do believe that one needs to be extremely thorough when you do meet someone through social media as people can pretend online and you have got to speak to them away from social media to get a feel of who they really are. However, once again people can pretend in real life too. I mean, ever heard of people living a double life? In any case with the ongoing pandemic many of us have been forced to utilise social media to meet people as physical events have been limited if not altogether halted.
Also, some people are not entirely honest about how they met their partner; some actually met them through social media but because of 'stigma' or maybe feeling embarrassed about it they are economical with the truth. So yeah, do bare that in mind when you are shouting about the parapets that social media dating is terrible. It's fine if social media dating isn't your bag, just don't be disparaging to those of us who are open to it. Also, don't be judgemental. Your love is not any more of a guarantee just because you met your partner first physically. If a person is rubbish they are rubbish whether you met them online or offline.
Anyways, the purpose of this post was to encourage some of us to be open minded.
How about you? Are you more of a 'I need to see the person first' or a 'social media dating works for me' type of person? Let me know in the comment section below.
P.S. I put 'the one' in quotes because I do not believe in the concept. But that's a blog post for another day!